Build GitHub Pages with Jekyll-Bootstrap

Posted by Max on November 21, 2014

This is a note on how I start this blog.

1. Create a New Repository

Go to and create a new repository named (malikey is my git-hub ID.)

2. Get Jekyll-Bootstrap

Make sure you have install ruby and jekyll already and they work well first.

Enter these commands into terminal in a directory you want your blog to be:

$ git clone myblog
$ cd myblog
$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin

After this step, you will get a directory with structure like so:

├── _config.yml
├── _drafts
├── _includes
├── _layouts
|   ├── default.html
|   ├── page.html
|   └── post.html
├── _plugins
├── _posts
├── _data
|   └── members.yml
├── _site
├── assets
├── index.html
.      .
.      .
└── sitemap.txt

_posts saves all of blogs in format of You can get a brief introduction at jekyll official website.

3. Configure

3.1 Install a Theme

The default theme is some like twitter. If you do not like it, you could get a new one from . Install a theme like so:

rake theme:install git=""

3.2 Update Author Attributes

In _config.yml remember to specify your own data:

title : Halt in Air
tagline: They lived happily ever after.
author :
  name : Xin Ma
  email :
  github : malikey

markdown: rdiscount  

production_url :

**Note: **rdiscount is a fast implementation of gruber’s markdown in C. Install it manually. You may also need to install disqus, a comment plugin, if you want to preview your site locally. Register disqus here.

3.3 Rewrite is default home page of your blog site. Before rewriting it, strongly recommend you reading it first.

4. Push

Save changes and push it to github, and your blog will be available after several minutes at .

$ git push -u origin master

Of course, if you can’t wait any longer (So do I ^_^), you can boot jekyll on your machine as an alternative.

$ jekyll serve

Your blog is now available at: http://localhost:4000/. Enjoy it!

5. Reference

  1. 在Github上搭建Jekyll博客和创建主题

  2. 使用 GitHub, Jekyll 打造自己的免费独立博客

  3. 空想枫de博客